Welcome To ReMARKable Women's Ministry!

WHAT'S HAPPENING NOW:  Training Camp registration is open NOW until Wednesday, January 15 at midnight!
WHAT'S HAPPENING NEXT:  Training Camp kick-off is on Sunday,  January 26th @ 6:30PM


ReMARKable Women's events are a great way to come and experience a taste of what community is all about.
Every event is different... from Training Camp, Bible studies, retreats, conferences, and times when we just come together to enjoy community. Scroll down to get an overview of all the events available this year and learn more about our ministry!
"…having believed, you were marked in Him…" - Ephesians 1:13

Our mission of reMARKable Women Ministry is to have a safe environment to help women find love and acceptance, to have a deeper and healthier relationship with God and others, and to help women hear God's voice and be obedient in His calling for their lives.


reMARKable Women Ministry Our reMARKable women’s ministry has the desire to live out the scripture of Luke 2:52 “And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man,” and a tool in accomplishing this is providing you with a seven-week challenge called TRAINING CAMP.  Training Camp is quickly approaching and we want YOU to join us! Kick-off is on Sunday, January 26th @ 6:30PM! Online registration is open from January 10th until Wednesday, January 15th at midnight. Our theme is DISCIPLE MAKER as we study the life of Jesus and apply His mission of ministry and discipleship to our lives. We will be going through the book, “4 Chair Discipling: What Jesus Calls Us To Do” by Dann Spader - so get your copy before kickoff. Again, this round ladies can choose others to join in a group with them - you will create a code for the ladies you want to be with and during registration there will be a place for you to put that code. You can register online at www.gc.church. This is open to any lady outside of high school and older. If you have any questions, please contact Natalie Replogle at nreplogle@gc.church.


Our women’s ministry is excited to invite ladies and teen girls from Grace Community and our community to our PRAISE & PRAYER NIGHT happening on February 23rd, 2025 @ 6:30PM. More details to come as we get closer to the event! We hope you’ll join us for this special night of worshiping the Lord together! Reach out to Natalie Replogle with any questions. 


Are you looking for a way to dig deeper into God's Word while building community with other ladies and growing and learning together? We have just the thing for you! Whether you've never studied the Bible before, or you've been studying it for eighty years, or you're somewhere in between, we encourage you to join ABIDE! This is for any lady outside of high school and older.  


Ladies, our reMARKable Women's Ministry is excited to bring back Flourish: Women Thriving in the Word. This is a made-to-order Bible Study that is flexible for any woman during any season of life. You decide the options that best work for you and give you the most opportunities to grow. There is something for everyone! This year we will be going through the Bible Study "Ephesians" by Jackie Hill Perry, Jasmine Holmes, and Melissa Kruger. 


Come join other reMARKable Women for an amazing time away in God's creation.  We'll be heading to
Michigan on September 6-8. We will leave early Friday morning and return on Sunday evening. You don't need to be
an experienced backpacker to join, but space is limited!

Registration is closed. We hope you'll join us next year!


Being a mom is beautiful, exhausting, rewarding, hard, life changing, and many emotions and experiences in between. Don't mom alone. Join us for this impacting and encouraging ministry as mom's come together to learn new things along the way, talk about Jesus, and support and lift one another up! This is a full school
year commitment that meets a couple Fridays a month.
Our registration is now closed, but we may have a few spots available. If interested, reach out to Lael Nafziger at lael.nafziger@gmail.com 


Ladies, we are excited to bring back our Comfy Christmas Party on Friday, December 6th from 7PM-9PM! We will have a fun night of all things Christmas! Come in your favorite comfy Christmas clothes. Childcare is provided for those that need it. This event is free, but you will need to register! Space is limited. Reach out to Natalie Replogle at nreplogle@gc.church if you have any questions. Hope to see you there!

*This event is for Women 18 years old out of high school and older


Ladies, we hope that you will join us for our BEYOND Retreat that will be taking place on November 1st & 2nd!  Take some time for yourself to be renewed and refreshed. Come and rest in how the Lord wants to speak to you. Join in the fun as you connect with other ladies. More details and registration will be coming out at the beginning of October
If you have any questions, please contact Natalie Replogle.

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